%% The Editor's Desk                                     By Robert Niles %%

The responce has been just fantastic!! We have been receiving articles,
comments, queries, and such from people all over. We've received a quite
a few new articles, and I believe more are on the way!

I thank you all for your interest and your help!! If we can keep this
up, then this magazine is going to flourish! No problem!

Well, this is my first week as editor for Amiga Report. There's been
some changes that you most certainly will notice, and some that might not
be so apparent. We've added new staff (and will be adding more), moved
things around, removed some things (some permanant, some not). 
Hopefully to make this magazine even better. We're not done yet but, you'll
have to let me know if we succeed!

With all the changes going on, we're going to take a week off to regroup
and to reorganize ourselves. Also to just give us all a break and refresh
ourselves. But don't stop those articles and information from coming
in. We'll need them for the next Amiga Report! Which will be out on
the 25th of February.

On one final note. CERT has put out an advisory stating that someone
or a group of people have been able to access individual's passwords
from many sites on the Internet. CERT advises that people should
change their passwords as soon as possible. CERT and the FBI are
investigating the incident. As of right now Internet sites have
been instructed on how to combat this problem. So for your own
security, please change your passwords and spread the word!!
(Thanks to Harv of Portal's Amiga Zone for this information)


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